Saturday, 4 July 2009

Lots of lovely benches from BT


Rachel Green said...


Silver said...

benches. great fascination! let the mind wander and the skies is the limit.

PERBS said...

Your friend gave you many neat benches and I have made some comments on each:

Oh my gosh! Another bench blog!!!!!!! I thought Malyss in France and I were the only two. I am soooooooooooooo excited to see that you have a bench blog too. I am going to look at each and every one and leave comments on each entry. Nice header bench -- think you should have left both in the photo tho!

This first entry I am reading has so many cool benches! They deserved a spot of their own each!!!
The planter benches along the building are super -- I saw some like tht when I went to Mt. Rainier this weekend.

The second one I thought was a mosaic until I enlarged it and found GIRAFFES!!!!!!!!!! How unique! In my travels I ahve run across a man who has a giraff blog and bet he would like to see that one!

The cat bench is unusual. . . I would have liked to have seen the other side also. . .

The next little one in the "garden" is like a small bench for two lovers and has a unique design that I have never seen before! It looks like there may be a more simple bench perpendicular to it also!!!!

Now the next one with three benches is more familiar -- I have found several of those myself but not together as yours are. I like the design of them.

The ornate background on the next one is so cool! A long, regal bench with such gorgeous ironwork backing and sides.

Even tho the next one could use a lick of paint, the beautiful long bench is very comfortable looking with its slanted back and beautiful ironwork arms and legs. I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to enlarge the photo of the one at the wine shop but I could not find the bench there. . .

The small green bench with the big, round, iron legs is very attractive and unusual. I like the shadow too!

What a nice sturdy bench the next one is -- definitely spacious width! Beautiful design for ironwork arms and legs also. What a treasure!!!!!!

The bench by the brick alcove is extraordinary also! The ironwork sides/legs is beautiful detail and overpowers its need for a lick of paint! I like its shadow also.

The benches on the next two are handy if one needs a rest.

The dog looks comfortable in the next one. Looks like it was made for him!

I can ahrdly wait to see the rest. . . looking now and will leave comments on each post.

PERBS said...

I got through December 8th and I will be back! I love your bench blog. Hope you will visit mine again but if you visit older posts, please let me know -- I have two blogs of benches so far and might run out of room soon and have to make a third. They are both listed on my Postcardsfromthenorthwest blog.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

PERBS kindly told me about your giraffe bench - how wonderful, I have never seen one like this before! Whereabouts is it?

PERBS said...

Ok, so I came back to find he bench in the wine shop photo but alas! I cannot see a bench in tht photo and I enlarged it.