Tuesday 30 September 2008

From the talented author, R . Her writing gives me goosebumps every time I read an excerpt from her blog Laverstone Tales.


trousers said...

Oh, they're just gorgeous - not just the benches themselves but the photographs.

DK said...

yay that's the wyfe that is! ~grins~
Glastonbury... what a treasure trove that was. ~sighs with happy memories~

DJ Kirkby said...

Hi Trousers,
I know, I know....they have a dreamy quality to them.

I love the atmosphere in Glast so much but what I can't figure out is....I think I know EXACTLY where the first pic was taken but where is the church on top of the TOR? That is why it is my ultimate fave pic, I have always wanted one of the Tor without the building showing.

Butch Boo said...

I love your blog!!! I too collect photos of benches. Fab! Thanks

DJ Kirkby said...
